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Дискуссии в интернете

Abrams P. A.

Adaptive change in the resource-exploitation traits of a generalist consumer: the evolution and coexistence of generalists and specialists
 Evolution, 60(3), 2006, pp. 427–439.

Allsop D. J., West S. A.

Changing sex at the same relative body size
 Nature. 2003. V. 425. P. 783-784.

Berryman A. A.

On principles, laws and theory in population ecology
 OIKOS 103:3 (2003).


Tempo and mode in evolution: phylogenetic inertia, adaptation and comparative methods
 J. Evol. Biol. 15 (2002 ) 899–910.

Carroll R. L.

Evolution of the capacity to evolve
 J. Evol. Biol. 15 (2002) 911–921.

Gilbert S. F.

The morphogenesis of evolutionary developmental biology
 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 47: 467-477 (2003).

Mikhailov A. T., Gilbert S. F.

From development to evolution: the re-establishment of the “Alexander Kowalevsky Medal”
 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 46: 693-698 (2002).

Gilbert S. F.

Evo-Devo, Devo-Evo, and Devgen-Popgen
 Biology and Philosophy 18: 347–352, 2003.

Grimm V., Reise K., Strasser M.

Marine metapopulations: a useful concept?
 Helgol Mar Res (2003) 56:222–228.

Hsu K. J.

Gaia and the Mediterrainean sea


Ecological regulation of development: induction of marine invertebrate metamorphosis
 Int. J. Dev. Biol. 46 (2002).


Evolutionary Theory and the Social uses of Biology
 Biology and Philosophy 19: 1–15, 2004.

Lee M. S. Y.

Species concepts and species reality: salvaging a Linnaean rank
 J. Evol. Biol. 16 (2003 ) 179–188.

Loreau M., Mouquet N., Holt R. D.

Meta-ecosystems: a theoretical framework for a spatial ecosystem ecology
 Ecology Letters, (2003) 6: 673–679.


Species range size distributions for some marine taxa in the Atlantic Ocean. Effect of latitude and depth.
 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 80, 437–455.

Margalef R.

The top layers of water bodies, a most important although relatively neglected piece of the biosphere plumbing

Margalef R.


Penny D., Phillips M. J.

The rise of birds and mammals: are microevolutionary processes sufficient for macroevolution?
 TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.19 No.10 October 2004.

Poulin E., Palma and J. -P. Féral A. T.

Evolutionary versus ecological success in Antarctic benthic invertebrates
 TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution. 2002.

Räsänen K., Laurila A., Merilä J.

Maternal investment in egg size: environment- and population-specific effects on offspring performance
 Oecologia (2005) 142: 546–553.

Robert A., Couvet D., Sarrazin F.

Inbreeding effects on pair fecundity and population persistence
 Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 86, 467–476.

Rohde R. A., Muller R. A.

Cycles in fossil diversity
 Nature. 2005. V. 434. P. 208-210.

Sole R. V., Alonso D.

Chaos in a bottle
 TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.18 No.11 November 2003.

Steigenga M. J., Zwaan B. J., Brakefield P. M., ...

The evolutionary genetics of egg size plasticity in a butterfly
 J. Evol. Biol. 18 (2005) 281–289.

Wit R. de.

Do all ecosystems maximize their distance with respect to thermodynamic equilibrium?

Бердников В.

Сложность как мерило эволюционного прогресса

Добрецов Н.

Что мы знаем и чего не знаем об эволюции

Заварзин Г.

Микробы держат небо

Каныгин А.

Похвальное слово катастрофам

Колчанов Н.

Ловчие сети эволюции

Марков А. В.

Результаты научных исследований должны быть открыты для всех

Орлова О.

Российским научным журналам запрещено выставлять статьи в интернете

Пармон В.

Естественный отбор среди молекул

Снытников В., Пармон В.

Жизнь создает планеты?

Юшкин Н.

Рожденные из кристаллов?