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Рекламные ссылки


По автору: H

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Patterns of Evolution as Illustrated by the Fossil Record
 Elsevier, 1977. 596 p.

Zegura S. L., Karafet T. M., Zhivotovsky L. A., ...

High-Resolution SNPs and Microsatellite Haplotypes Point to a Single, Recent Entry of Native American Y Chromosomes into the Americas
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Benton M. J., Harper D. A. T.

Introduction to paleobiology and the fossil record. 605pp
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Hedges S. B.

 Pp. 89-98 in The Timetree of Life. Oxford Univ. Press, 2009.

Hengeveld R., Fedonkin M. A.

Causes and consequences of eukaryotization through mutualistic endosymbiosis and compartmentalization
 Acta Biotheoretica, 2004, Volume 52, No. 2, p. 105-154.

Henke W., Hardt T., Tattersall I.

Handbook of Paleoanthropology
 Колоссальная трехтомная сводка по палеоантропологии!!! Springer, 2007. 2051 p.

Knight A., Underhill P. A., Mortensen H. M., ...

African Y Chromosome and mtDNA Divergence Provides Insight into the History of Click Languages
 Current Biology, Vol. 13, 464–473, March 18, 2003.


Ecological regulation of development: induction of marine invertebrate metamorphosis
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Hitchens C.

God is not great

Loreau M., Mouquet N., Holt R. D.

Meta-ecosystems: a theoretical framework for a spatial ecosystem ecology
 Ecology Letters, (2003) 6: 673–679.

Hoyle F., Elliot J.

A For Andromeda

Hoyle F.

The black cloud

Hsu K. J.

Gaia and the Mediterrainean sea

Hublin, Richards

The Evolution of Hominin Diets